Difference with other lending apps

Because loan are peer-to-peer and of a fixed duration, this gives a few difference with other platforms.

Feature 1: Peer to peer loans

The first feature that differentiates 0LiqLend from other lending apps is the peer-to-peer aspect. Users make and take individual offers, and there is no "global pool" where everyone lend/borrow from. Both lenders and borrowers can make and take offers, the order book of all offers can be seen in the homepage.

This implies that when you make an offer, you earn no yield until when someone takes your offer, but when that happens it usually result in a higher yield than what other lending apps offer.

You can also make multiple overlapping offer. Each of them will request allowance for your tokens, but the deposit is made only when the offer is accepted. As a result you are free to make any number of overlapping offers.

Feature 2: Fixed duration

Loans are of fixed-duration. Users that make offers choose a minimal and maximal duration for their loan. The loan needs to be paid back after the minimal duration and before the maximal duration. The spacing between these two durations need to be at least a day to let time for the borrower to repay the debt safely.

If the borrower fails to repay the loan before the maximal duration, its collateral is transferred to the lenders affected. Lenders now have to reswap themselves this assets for what they lent initially. There is no liquidations.

Feature 3: Borrowing of correlated assets (LTV of 95%+ are possible)

0LiqLend allows loans of correlated assets only. This implies that unless the asset depeg, it is perfectly safe to borrow/lend, and as a result the Loan-To-Value (LTV) parameter is extremly high, meaning that with 100$ worth of assets you can borrow up to 95$.

Last updated